For the love of life.
& i'm f'kn late. (like what's so new about that hey?)
Bestie & i had a cozy moment in bathtub yesterday.
We re-enacted the scene back in Holland: & i still know where the moss grows at.
Sharing a tub together has got to be one of the best/fun thing you'd ever do with your girlfriend,
We're close like that,
so much so we're not even ashamed of being butt-naked in front of each other.
& you know you're equally mad as to even bathe together & even thought of taking obscene photos in the tub.
Oh yes we've thought of it.
Too bad the camera's resting somewhere in my bag.
Comparing breast sizes & whatnot,
we talked about everything;
me & him,
her & whoever,
& whatever.
I ♥ this lesbian time of ours.
& if you're asking,
NO we're not bisexuals - get this, we're straight.
Don't you wish you had a bestie like mine?
Don't worry baby if you don't,
cos i'll be yours if you'd want me to.
But don't get me started on the naked issues :D
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